Sea Serpents Gear Build
Monster set
Magma Incarnate
Great all-rounder
You get damage, resistance and added bonus of group utility.
Damage: Balorgh
All damage buffs
Tanky: Bloodspawn
Good resistances and great ultimate regeneration

Gear Traits:
Chest and legs, heavy and reinforced with the rest being well-fitted (personal opinion) Impenetrable or sturdy are also viable options.
Jewellery Traits:
All infused or swift if you wish to counter the slow from the sets
Weapon Traits:
Front Bar:
Nirnhoned 2 Hander
Back Bar:
Defending, if using a 2H weapon
Defending/Sturdy 1H and sword and board

Front Bar - Rallying Cry
Another all-rounder set giving damage, group utility and a lot of crit resistances.
(1 light, 2 heavy, 4 medium)
Plaguebreak or Clever Alchemist < Damage
Daedric Trickery < Tanky
Back Bar- Ironblood
Chosen to be paired with one of the new mythics, Sea-Serpent's Coil. Their negatives effects work in conjunction. Full explanation in the video provided.
1pc Armour of the Trainee

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