Check out some of the latest PVP builds for Elden Ring!
Rot + Blood Loss Build
A Toxic combo of blood loss and Rot Build up. This build works both in PVP and PVE.
Pure Strength Build!
In this video we go over the Best PvP Strength Build in Elden Ring. We go over the gear, stats, weapon moveset, weapon arts, talismans & more to make this build. This build has the MAX Poise you can get in the game at 133, with some Insane high burst combo damage, and some of the highest mitigation you can get. This is your one stop show Elden Ring Build Guide
Arcane / Dex Build
In this video I go over my, Arcane and Faith Hybrid Build I've been using over the past few days. I really enjoy this build, it has an overall great and fun move set that allows you to use your skill level to take the build to the next level it has a high skill ceiling that will make you better faster. In this Arcane Build Guide we go over the gear, weapons, spells and buffs i use on this setup. This is a PvP focused build that is directly used for duels in Elden Ring. The Blood Helice is one of the most BROKEN weapons in Elden Ring and i high suggest you guys give this build a try.