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Hi all welcome to my personal page.

Here you can find direct links to all my builds, social links and extra information about me and my content. 

If you want to contact me direct you can do via email which is or

via my discord

which is

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This channel is coming soon!
This channel is coming soon!
This channel is coming soon!
This channel is coming soon!
This channel is coming soon!

About Me

I've always been in to gaming since I can remember. My dad was a software engineer so we always had PC's in the house when I was growing up. (80's). We used to play on a 286 until my Dad bought us an Atari STe. 

I built my first PC when I was 10 which was an Intel 486 and that was back in the day when PC's were not easy to build or configure. Now they're a walk in the park unless you custom build which I do. My current PC's are fairly old now but they still hold up. I currently have a 2 PC set up

Game PC

CPU - Intel Core i7 6850K Overclocked to 4.4ghz RAM - 32GB 4x8GB 3200Mhz Asus Rampage V 10 Edition GPU - 2x sli GTX1080 HTC Vive Stream PC CPU -

Stream PC

Intel Core i7 4930K s2011 Overclocked to 4.4ghz RAM - 32GB 4x8GB 2400Mhz Corsair Vengance Asus Rampage IV Black Edition GPU - GTX1080Ti HDD - SSD 840 Evo 1TB,

Since then I've always been in to PC builds and gaming. I've always enjoyed an eclectic collection of games but I've always gravitated to shooters and MMO. Currently I'm heavily involved in Elder Scrolls Online and enjoy creating Off Meta Builds or MUTA builds as my community like to call them. For a full list please see the links down below. 

Tanks that go too deep Overwatch 2
Elder Scrolls Online : Necro Bash Soul Collector 2.0 Build Update Lost Depths

Elder Scrolls Online : Necro Bash Soul Collector 2.0 Build Update Lost Depths

✪ Elder Scrolls Online Necro Bash Soul Collector 2.0 Build Update Lost Depths In order to maximise damage and adjust the build to the meta I've switch some sets around to create a harder hitting bash Necromancer. This meta everything is very tanking so the increase in penetration will really help this build to start to hit hard! I've also given you some options with your spammable from piereced armor and power slam as alternative to blighted blast bones. Soul Collector Bash Necromancer Chapters 1:52 Attributes 2:58 Gear 5:02 Skills 8:41 Champion Points 12:00 Bonus Fight For written ESO guides visit Support the channel and get exclusive Emoji's & Perks from just £1.99. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Links Discord Server ►​ ► Gorilla HQ ​ Support the content ► ​Streams and content ►​ ​► ​​​► ​ ​Stream interaction ​► ​​ ​ ​Websites ► ​​►​ Social ​► ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ⭐️Proudly partnered with #eso #teso #elderscrollsonline Production Music Epidemic Sounds
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